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A concise history of Ireland

A concise history of Ireland

A concise history of Ireland

A concise history of Ireland. There is a tragic inevitability about Irish history: hatred answering hatred , as Lady Gregory wrote. Four events in particular, Yeats' four deep, tragic notes , ring through Irish history: the Catholic revolt against Elizabeth; the battle of the Boyne, which established the Protestant Ascendancy; the impact of the French Revolution; and the fall from power of Charles Stewart Parnell, which turned Ireland away from peaceful solutions to its ills. The authors bring the story up to the present, then look ahead to the end of the century. With 173 illustrations.

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Titel A concise history of Ireland
Artikelnummer 4584
Uitgever Thames and Hudson
Auteur Máire and Conor Cruise O'Brein
Jaartal 1988
Band Paperback
Druk Heruitgave
Bladzijden 192
Staat Mooie tweedehandse staat !
Toelichting op staat N/B
ISBN-13 9 780500 273791

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