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A Manual of Agricultural Helminthology

A Manual of Agricultural Helminthology

A Manual of Agricultural Helminthology

A Manual of Agricultural Helminthology. In 1934 the late I.N. Filipjev published in the russian language his book on 'Nematodes that are of importance for Agriculture'. In 1935 he asked me to edite in cooperation with him a second edition of that book in the american language. This was the beginning of an intimate cooperation between both of us. Filipjev translated his book, part for part into the american language. He sent me the successive sheets. I put the manuscript in final shape, after having inserted some supplementary notes of my own on practical and theoretical points adding where necessary data collected by me during my researches in behalf of the Dutch Phytopathological Service as well as those on plant-parasitic nemas of abroad, especially those on the plant-parasitic Nematodes of the Belgian Congo.

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Titel A Manual of Agricultural Helminthology
Artikelnummer Div 1491
Uitgever E.J. Brill, Leiden
Auteur I.N. Filipjev and J.H. Schuurmans Stekhoven jr.
Jaartal 1941
Band Gebonden
Druk Eerste druk/First edition
Bladzijden 878
Staat Nette gebruikte staat, opnieuw ingebonden
Toelichting op staat N/B

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