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A-Z of Bird Portraits

A-Z of Bird Portraits

A-Z of Bird Portraits

A-Z of Bird Portraits. An Illustrated Guide to Painting Beautiful Birds in Acrylics. Andrew Forkner's book provides you with all you need to paint a range of birds in acrylics; taking in birds of prey, songbirds and waterbirds from all over the world. It contains information on the materials and preparation you will need to capture the delicacy and majesty of the subjects. * Twenty-six striking and characterful bird species * Clear and easy-to-follow step by step projects * Includes guidance on composition, reference and important bird features. Dit boek is geschreven in het Engels.

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Titel A-Z of Bird Portraits
Artikelnummer xx1821
Auteur Andrew Forkner
Uitgever Search Press, Kent
Jaartal 2015
Band Gebonden
Bladzijden 144
Druk Eerste druk
Staat Goed
ISBN-13 9 781782 210023
Toelichting op staat N/B

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