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An Introduction to Fashion Illustration

An Introduction to Fashion Illustration

An Introduction to Fashion Illustration

An Introduction to Fashion Illustration. This brief introduction to four centuries of dress and fashion illustration, traces the subject from its origins in the 16th century costume picture books through the works of the artist engravers of the 17th and 18th centuries to the beginnings of fashion journalism, when artists and publishers combined to bring news of new styles to an ever-increasing public. Dit boek is geschreven in het Engels.

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€ 10,00
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Titel An Introduction to Fashion Illustration
Artikelnummer Div 4745
Uitgever The Compton Press
Auteur Madeleine Ginsburg
Jaartal 1980
Band Gebonden
Druk Niet vermeld
Bladzijden 48
Staat Mooie tweedehandse staat !
Toelichting op staat N/B

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