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Art Smart

Art Smart

Art Smart

Art Smart. This title helps you unlock the inner artist in young readers with this fantastically creative book. You can learn how to print, draw, paint and create textiles with imaginative projects that will inspire and delight young artists. Art Smart presents a fresh, imaginative approach to art, covering four main artistic skills - painting, drawing, printing and textiles. This book contains original projects to make using readily available materials. The projects have been carefully chosen to appeal to boys and girls. Each project is graded with a difficulty rating of 1 to 5. A special 'techniques and materials' section encourages young artists to try out their own creative ideas while learning valuable practical skills.

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Titel Art Smart
Artikelnummer xx1505
Auteur Traci Bunkers, Kathy M. Durkin, Melanie Grimshaw & Wendy Walker
Uitgever QED Publishing, London
Jaartal 2012
Band Gebonden
Bladzijden 120
Druk Eerste druk
Staat Goed
ISBN-13 9 781781 710890
Toelichting op staat N/B

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