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Blitzkrieg in the west then and now

Blitzkrieg in the west then and now

Blitzkrieg in the west then and now

Blitzkrieg in the west then and now. The author presents an account of the Battle of France: the forty-five traumatic days from May 10 to June 24, 1940 that resulted in one of the most remarkable military victories of modern times. During those six weeks, six nations found themselves at war, fighting across four countries. From the polders of the Netherlands in the north to the mountains of the Alps in the south, and from the Rhine valley to the Atlantic coast, Jean Paul Pallud explores every corner of the battlefield, the camera recording the scenes today where 50 years ago Dutch, Belgian, German, French, British and Italian soldiers were locked in mortal combat. 

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Titel Blitzkrieg in the west then and now
Artikelnummer Div 1550
Uitgever After the Battle Publication
Auteur Jean Paul Pallud
Jaartal 1991
Band Gebonden
Druk Eerste druk
Bladzijden 640
Staat Goed
Toelichting op staat N/B
ISBN-13 0 900913 68 1

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