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Caen The Brutal Battle and the Break-out from Normandy

Caen The Brutal Battle and the Break-out from Normandy

Caen The Brutal Battle and the Break-out from Normandy

Caen The Brutal Battle and the Break-out from Normandy. The fighting round Caen, the key operation in the liberation of Western Europe and the defeat of Hitler's Germany in the West, is still liable to bemisunderstood. In some quarters the Britisch and Candaian forces under Field Marshal Montgomery are thought to have fought a slow, slogging, even uninspired battle against the Germans while the Americans developed a brilliant attack which culminated in General Patter's race with his armour to Paris and the Seine. Dit boek is geschreven in het Engels.

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Titel Caen The Brutal Battle and the Break-out from Normandy
Artikelnummer Div 2711
Uitgever Book Club Edition
Auteur Henry Maule
Jaartal 1976
Band Gebonden
Druk Eerste druk
Bladzijden 176
Staat Zeer mooie staat!
Toelichting op staat N/B
ISBN-13 0 7153 7283 1

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