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Vibrant Children's Portraits

Vibrant Children's Portraits

Vibrant Children's Portraits

Vibrant Children's Portraits. Painting beautiful hair and skin tones with oils. Making your subjects look age appropriate is vital to succesful children's portraiture. Many artist fall short with features that are too severe, skin that lacks that glow of youth or proportions that are too much like those of adults. In this book, you'll learn how to use tried-and-true oil painting techniques to achieve fresh skin tones, shiny hair, crystal clear eyes...

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€ 17,50
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Titel Vibrant Children's Portraits
Artikelnummer xx689
Auteur Victoria Lisi
Uitgever North Light Books, Cincinnati, Ohio
Jaartal niet vermeld
Band Gebonden
Bladzijden 127
Druk Eeerste druk
Staat Als nieuw
Toelichting op staat N/B

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