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Colour yourself Calm

Colour yourself Calm

Colour yourself Calm

Colour yourself Calm. A Mindfulness Colouring Book. The original mindful colouring book for adults, from the author of the bestselling Little Book of Mindfulness.* Relax, meditate and banish stress* Release unconscious knowledge and calm thought through painting and colouring* Features complete images to copy, or just create your own colourful mandalasMandalas were created as sacred objects upon which to meditate. Their symmetry is designed for the painter to reflect and empty the mind - by becoming absorbed in colouring this object of beauty, the reader will embark on a practical exercise in mindfulness.In Colour Yourself Calm, Tiddy Rowan (author of the Little Book of Mindfulness) has gathered inspirational quotes to accompany these original images and enhance the experience - offering an easy way to relax the mind, body and spirit, while expanding the imagination and creating a sense of wellbeing. Dit boek is geschreven in het Engels.

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Titel Colour yourself Calm
Artikelnummer xx1830
Auteur Paul Heussenstamm
Uitgever Quadrille Publishing
Jaartal 2014
Band Gebonden
Bladzijden Niet vermeld
Druk Eerste druk
Staat Goed
ISBN-13 9 781849 495141
Toelichting op staat N/B

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