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Crossbows in the Royal Netherlands Army Museum

Crossbows in the Royal Netherlands Army Museum

Although crossbows are used today exclusively for hunting and target shooting, they played a major role in medieval European warfare. The first of its kind, this trilingual book—in English, German, and Dutch—features a complete inventory of the historical crossbow collection at the Royal Netherlands Army Museum. Richly illustrated with explanatory drawings, Crossbows in the Royal Netherlands Army Museum discusses the full historical range of these powerful weapons, from the middle ages to the early twentieth-century.

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Titel Crossbows in the Royal Netherlands Army Museum
Artikelnummer 823cffbe-0cab-34c9-e053-828b620a24d6
Uitgever Eburon Academic Publishers
Auteur Jens Sensfelder
Jaartal 2007
Band Nee
Druk 1
Bladzijden 384
Staat Nieuw
Toelichting op staat Nee
ISBN-13 9789059721746

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