Corsets and Crinolines

Corsets and Crinolines

Corsets and Crinolines

Corsets and Crinolines. One of the most interesting aspects of the history of costume is the continuous evolution of the silhouette. Both men´s and women´s clothes have always reflected the changing line demanded by each new period, but because men lead a more active life no exaggeration of line ever developed which could limit their movements. Dit boek is geschreven in het Engels.

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€ 90,00
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Titel Corsets and Crinolines
Artikelnummer Div 4650
Uitgever B.T. Batsford Ltd. London
Auteur Norah Waugh
Jaartal 1970
Band Gebonden
Druk Second impression
Bladzijden 176
Staat Losse omslag heeft beschadigingen, verder boek zeer mooi!
Toelichting op staat N/B

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