Fungus Maladies of the Sugar Cane

Fungus Maladies of the Sugar Cane

Fungus Maladies of the Sugar Cane

Fungus Maladies of the Sugar Cane. My investigations at the various plantations have been in the highest degree facilitated by the various members of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association, and particularly through the friendly assistance and advice of the Experiment Station Committee. The results embodied in this Bulletin are more particularly the outcome of visits to the Islands of Maui and Kauai.

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Titel Fungus Maladies of the Sugar Cane
Artikelnummer Div 1500
Uitgever Hawaiian Star Print, Honolulu
Auteur N.A. Cobb
Jaartal 1969
Band Gebonden
Druk Eerste druk/First edition
Bladzijden 110
Staat De rug van het boek is in slechte staat, maar de inhoud is netjes!
Toelichting op staat N/B

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