The Citrus Industry

The Citrus Industry

The Citrus Industry

The Citrus Industry. Volume I. History, botany and breeding. The various species of the genus Citrus are all believed to be native to the subtropical and tropical regions of Asia and the Malay Archipelago, and to have spread from there to other sections of the world. They have been cultivated from remote ages, and prototype forms of the most important species are not definitely known.

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Titel The Citrus Industry
Artikelnummer Div 1827
Uitgever University of California, Press
Auteur Herbert John Webber and Leon Dexter Batchelor
Jaartal 1948
Band Gebonden
Druk Eerste druk
Bladzijden 1028
Staat Losse omslag heeft beschadigingen, verder staat van het boek netjes
Toelichting op staat N/B
ISBN-13 N.V.T.

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