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Graff Color Master
Graff Color Master. Freestyle Color Techniques for Graffiti Art. Color communicates because color is powerful, & powerful color is more powerful still. --Scape Martinez In this hot-off-the-streets book, Scape Martinez shows you how to use color to bring beauty, meaning and life to graffiti art. To shout, shock and sing. To push the boundaries of art and communicate in a way that letter structure alone cannot. By example, you'll learn how to connect your own color choices in a meaningful way, making your art both deeply personal and highly effective. Check out Scape's improvisational creative process as he creates 12 works (his personal cave paintings ) on concrete and canvas, step by step, from concept to completion. Instruction and exercises help you choose the colors that work for you and your artwork, find your distinct voice, and keep it real. Dit boek is geschreven in het Engels.
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