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Hand-crafted cards

Hand-crafted cards

Hand-crafted cards

Hand-crafted cards. Hand-Crafted Cards contains 50 exciting step-by-step projects for making greetings cards for all occasions. Here are 50 fast, fun cards featuring a wide variety of techniques, including collage, stamping, embossing, painting, applying metallic leaf and embroidery, all with simple instructions and clear step-by-step photographs. Choose from scented lavender heart cards for Mother's Day, colourful felt finger puppet cards that are perfect for children's birthdays, pop-up cards in the style of a fairytale gingerbread house, and a monochrome card which doubles up as a photo frame.

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€ 13,50
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Titel Hand-crafted cards
Artikelnummer xx1517
Auteur Emma Hardy
Uitgever Cico Books, London-New York
Jaartal 2014
Band Paperback
Bladzijden 159
Druk Heruitgave
Staat Goed
ISBN-13 9 781782 490913
Toelichting op staat N/B

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