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High Command

High Command

High Command

High Command. The stories of Sir Winston Churchill and General Montgomery. The first part of the book tells the story of the momentous time in which Churchill lived; it recounts his childhood and early career, his experiences in World War I and his leadership during World War II. Recaptured is the sombre mood of those dark days in 1940-41 when the whole of Europe lays at the mercy of Hitler. The second part of the book tells the life of Montgomery and his military campaigns; how he transformed a defeated and demoralized army into a force which at he Battle of El Alamein in 1942 delivered to Churchill and the Allies a victory which heralded the turning point in the colossal struggle.

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€ 40,00
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Titel High Command
Artikelnummer Strip 399
Uitgever Dragon's Dream B.V., Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht
Auteur Frank Bellamy
Jaartal 1981
Band Paperback
Druk eerste druk/First edition
Staat Goed
ISBN-13 90 6332 901 6
Toelichting op staat N/B

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