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Fast Fun & Easy Fabric Ficklesticks

Fast Fun & Easy Fabric Ficklesticks

Fast Fun & Easy Fabric Ficklesticks

Fast Fun & Easy Fabric Ficklesticks. Who says art has to be serious? Ficklesticks are pure fabric fun. Simply sew them up, then roll them, twist them, or weave them into anything you fancy - from an amazing corsage to a tiny pose-able pirate. Fast, Fun and Easy Fabric Ficklesticks features 9 quick and engaging jewellery projects, plus an inspiring gallery of stick figures, baubles, bouquets, belts and bows.

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Titel Fast Fun & Easy Fabric Ficklesticks
Artikelnummer xx1103
Auteur Diana Taylor
Uitgever C & T Publishing, Inc
Jaartal 2008
Band Paperback
Bladzijden 48
Druk Eerste druk/First edition
Staat Goed
ISBN-13 9 781571 205049
Toelichting op staat N/B

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