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Iconclass an iconographic classification system P-Z index

Iconclass an iconographic classification system P-Z index

Iconclass an iconographic classification system P-Z index

Iconclass an iconographic classification system P-Z index. The Alphanetical Index to ICONCLASS is a cumulative index of all the subjects and themes, persons and places, actions and processes that occur in the classification schemes. It enables the user to find the notation for a particular topic and thus its place in the systematic arrangement. Dit boek is geschreven in het Engels.

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€ 55,00
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Titel Iconclass an iconographic classification system P-Z index
Artikelnummer Div 4262
Uitgever North-Holland Publishing Company Amsterdam, New York, Oxford
Auteur Henri van de Waal
Jaartal 1985
Band Paperback
Druk Niet vermeld
Bladzijden 534
Staat Zeer mooie staat!
Toelichting op staat N/B
ISBN-13 9780444856203

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