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Introduction to Nematology

Introduction to Nematology

Introduction to Nematology

Introduction to Nematology. Nematology is one of the younger sciences in that it has only recently begun to receive the attention due a subject of such wide academic and economic interest. Nematology, so named by the late Dr. N.A. Cobb, one of the most distinguished exponents, is by definition the study of what are commonly called thread worms or roundworms, or what Cobb called nemas.

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Titel Introduction to Nematology
Artikelnummer Div 510
Uitgever University Park Press, Baltimore, Londen, Tokyo
Auteur B.G. Chitwood and M.B. Chitwood
Jaartal 1974
Band Gebonden
Druk Eerste druk
Bladzijden 334
Staat boekje is heel mooi gekaft, verder zéér mooie staat.
Toelichting op staat N/B
ISBN-13 0839106971

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