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Little Stitches

Little Stitches

Little Stitches

Little Stitches. Learn new decorative and textual stitches while creating these 12 whimsical yet practical projects. In her Introduction Aneela says: In this book, I offer basic instructions for simple stitches, along with a generous selection of original embroidery patterns, which are also printed on transfer paper so you can easily iron them onto your fabric and stitch away . She goes on to say: I've also included twelve projects - from sewing accessories like a pincushion and a needle case to whimsical but practical items like a hot water bottle cover - that you can embroider and sew.

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Titel Little Stitches
Artikelnummer xx1118
Auteur Aneela Hoey
Uitgever Stashbooks, C & T Publishing, Lafayette
Jaartal 2012
Band Paperback
Bladzijden 152
Druk Eerste druk/First edition
Staat Mooie tweedehandse staat !
ISBN-13 9 781607 055259
Toelichting op staat N/B

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