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London Transport 1933-1962

London Transport 1933-1962

London Transport 1933-1962

London Transport 1933-1962. This is the story of the changing face of the major branches of London's public transport system-bus, tram, trolleybus and Underground. It is a record of the types, the liveries, the retractions and expansions that typified this system during a vital period in its history.

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Titel London Transport 1933-1962
Artikelnummer Div 931
Uitgever Ian Allan Publishing
Auteur Michael H.C. Baker
Jaartal 1996
Band Gebonden
Druk Eerste druk/First edition
Bladzijden 128
Staat Zeer mooie staat!
Toelichting op staat N/B
ISBN-13 9 780711 024809

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