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Moscow icons 14th - 17th centuries

Moscow icons 14th - 17th centuries

Moscow icons 14th - 17th centuries

Moscow icons 14th - 17th centuries. The artists associated wit the Moscow school of early Russian painting include Theophanes the Greek, Andrei Rublev and Dionysius, who rank among the artistic geniuses of medieval Russia. This volume, with its large number of colour plates and detailed catalogue, is the first comprehensive publication to be devoted to works of the Moscow school and will appeal to both specialist and art-lover. Dit boek is geschreven in het Engels.

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Titel Moscow icons 14th - 17th centuries
Artikelnummer Div 4102
Uitgever Aurora Art Publishers, Leningrad
Auteur Engelina Smirnova
Jaartal 1989
Band Gebonden
Druk Niet vermeld
Bladzijden 322
Staat Losse omslag heeft beschadigingen, verder boek zeer mooi!
Toelichting op staat N/B
ISBN-13 5 7300 0135 5

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