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My Art Book

My Art Book

My Art Book

My Art Book. Masterpieces a superb introduction to the history and styles of art for young children. Zoom up close to look at the details in the work of great artists and sculptors, and discover how they created them. Projects inspired by the work of the art masters, follow clear instructions supported by step-by-step photography to create your own works of art, inclusing mosaics, figure sculptures and collages.

Beschikbaarheid: Op voorraad

€ 11,50
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Titel My Art Book
Artikelnummer xx719
Auteur DK Publishing
Uitgever Dorling Kindersley
Jaartal 2011
Band Gebonden
Bladzijden 80
Druk Eerste druk
Staat Als nieuw
Toelichting op staat N/B

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