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Paint Lab

Paint Lab

Paint Lab

Paint Lab. Paint Lab is packed with unique and experimental techniques and ideas in painting. This hands-on book is organized into 52 units, which may, but don't need to be explored on a weekly basis. The labs can be worked on in any order, so that you can flip around to learn a new mixed-media technique or be inspired by a particular painting theme or application. The underlying message of this book is that, as an artist, you should learn and gain expertise through experimentation and play. There is no right or wrong result, rather you will find new forms of expression in your work and gain confidence in your skills. 

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Titel Paint Lab
Artikelnummer xx1604
Auteur Deborah Forman
Uitgever Quarry Books
Jaartal 2013
Band Paperback
Bladzijden 136
Druk First edition
Staat Goed
ISBN-13 9 781592 537822
Toelichting op staat N/B

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