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Pastel Painting Step-by-Step

Pastel Painting Step-by-Step

Pastel Painting Step-by-Step

Pastel Painting Step-by-Step. Starting with advice on materials, it moves on to pastel basics such as blending, adding tone and using a limited palette, then there is a section on landscape painting featuring advice on composition and painting trees and water, then capturing light in pastels, with tips on colour mixing, and finally there is a section of flower painting, with additional information on adding water to pastels.

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Titel Pastel Painting Step-by-Step
Artikelnummer xx1110
Auteur Margaret Evans, Paul Hardy and Peter Coombs
Uitgever Search Press Limited, Kent
Jaartal 2012
Band Paperback
Bladzijden 160
Druk Eerste druk/First edition
Staat Zeer lichte beschadiging aan de rug, verder mooie staat!
ISBN-13 9 781844 488612
Toelichting op staat N/B

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