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Physicians, Surgeons and Apothecaries

Physicians, Surgeons and Apothecaries

Physicians, Surgeons and Apothecaries

Physicians, Surgeons and Apothecaries. Medical Practice in Seventeenth-Century Edinburgh. This is a critical history of the medical profession in Edinburgh in the 17th century. The College of Surgeons was founded in 1505 and the College of Physicians in 1681. The period covered is from the first surviving minute books of the Surgeons (1580) to the creation of the Edinburgh Medical School (1726). It is argued that the foundations of the modern medical profession were laid as early as the 17th century. Anecdotes complement documentary evidence, and the author emphasizes European influences, especially that of Leiden in the Netherlands. Dit boek is geschreven in het Engels. 

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Titel Physicians, Surgeons and Apothecaries
Artikelnummer Div 2822
Uitgever Tuckwell Press
Auteur Helen M. Dingwall
Jaartal 1995
Band Gebonden
Druk Eerste druk
Bladzijden 262
Staat Mooie staat
Toelichting op staat N/B
ISBN-13 1 898410 46 1

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