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Simple Knitting

Simple Knitting

Simple Knitting

Simple Knitting. Following the success of Simple Crochet, Erika Knight has turned her attention to the novice knitter with this unique workshop-based how-to-knit book. With Simple Knitting you will learn to knit whilst creating your own accessible yet highly desirable basic projects that are at once essential and inspiring. Each of the 20 projects in the book teaches you a new skill, and builds upon and consolidates those knitting techniques already learnt from the proceeding projects, until you have mastered a wide repertoire of skills and amassed an enviable collection of gorgeous knitted items. More and more people are discovering the pleasures of knitting, yet many of today's new knitters have not had the same opportunity of previous generations to learn the necessary techniques.

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Titel Simple Knitting
Artikelnummer xx1116
Auteur Erika Knight
Uitgever Quadrille Publishing, London
Jaartal 2010
Band Paperback
Bladzijden 144
Druk Eerste druk/First edition
Staat Goed
ISBN-13 9 781844 008155
Toelichting op staat N/B

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