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Snow crystals

Snow crystals

Snow crystals

Snow crystals. "Offers valuable material not only to students of crystallography but also to those of the arts." —The New York Times Did you ever try to photograph a snowflake? The procedure is very tricky. The work must be done rapidly in extreme cold, for even body heat can melt a rare specimen that has been painstakingly mounted. The lighting must be just right to reveal all the nuances of design without producing heat. But the results can be rewarding, as the work of W. A. Bentley proved. For almost half a century, Bentley caught and photographed thousands of snowflakes in his workshop at Jericho, Vermont, and made available to scientists and art instructors samples of his remarkable work. In 1931, the American Meteorological Society gathered together the best of these photomicrographs, plus some slides of frost, glaze, dew on vegetation and spider webs, sleet, and soft hail, and a text by W. J. Humphreys, and had them published. That book is here reproduced, unaltered, and unabridged. Over 2,000 beautiful crystals on these pages reveal the wonder of nature's diversity in uniformity; no two are alike, yet all are based on a common hexagon. 

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Titel Snow crystals
Artikelnummer Div 3564
Uitgever Dover Publications, Inc. New York
Auteur W.A. Bentley & W.J. Humphreys
Jaartal 1962
Band Paperback
Druk Niet vermeld
Bladzijden 226
Staat Het boek heeft lichte vochtschade aan de binnenkant van het boek
Toelichting op staat N/B

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