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Still Life Painting Atelier

Still Life Painting Atelier

Still Life Painting Atelier

Still Life Painting Atelier. For beginning to intermediate artists who are seeking a traditional education in oil painting, Still Life Painting Atelier provides artists with a foundation course in oil painting. Written by Gage Academy of Art instructor Michael Friel, the book is designed to lead the reader through a progression of still life lessons, starting with simple compositions that build to more complex arrangements. It begins by addressing composition through thumbnail sketches and line drawings and then progresses to painting lessons in value contrast and under-painting, brush applications, still life with limited colour and beyond. Each chapter is presented in a logical progressive sequence and is complete with step-by-step illustrations, finished paintings, diagrams and informative tips.

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Titel Still Life Painting Atelier
Artikelnummer xx1296
Auteur Michael Friel
Uitgever Watson-Guptill Publications, New York
Jaartal 2010
Band Gebonden
Bladzijden 192
Druk Eerste druk/First edition
Staat Goed
ISBN-13 9 780823 034086
Toelichting op staat N/B

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