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Super-Cute Felt Animals

Super-Cute Felt Animals

Super-Cute Felt Animals

Super-Cute Felt Animals. 35 Delightfully Dainty Projects to Stitch. uper-Cute Felt Animals shows you how to create creatures from the land, sea, and air. Laura Howard brings you another collection of super-cute felt creations, concentrating on the animal world. Following on from the success of Super-Cute Felt, she has drawn together a whole host of new ideas for fun creations, including fish, birds and animals, from the forest to the jungle, the farmyard and your home. Woodland creatures include a crafty fox, a sweet bear and cubs, and extras such as a toadstool and acorns to complete the woodland scene. Go on a felt safari to see lions with golden manes, zebras, and hippos that you can recreate in colourful fabric. From under the sea, there are whales, seahorses, and jellyfish, along with a set of fish and their fry, with sequins for scales. On the farm, cows, pigs, and ducks are joined by a raggedy scarecrow, while in the garden, there's everything from insects to frogs and birds to be made. Dit boek is geschreven in het Engels.

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Titel Super-Cute Felt Animals
Artikelnummer xx1651
Auteur Laura Howard
Uitgever Cico Books, London - New York
Jaartal 2013
Band Paperback
Bladzijden 128
Druk First edition
Staat Goed
ISBN-13 9 781782 490586
Toelichting op staat N/B

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