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Tamiya Photographic Album of British Curchill Tank

Tamiya Photographic Album of British Curchill Tank

Tamiya Photographic Album of British Curchill Tank

Tamiya Photographic Album of British Curchill Tank. Photographic Album no. 3. Go ahead through the front of Steam Roller Farm and drive away those Germans on the hill at any price, ordered the Company Commander. The farm was really a stumbling block around which German anti-tank troops had taken up their positions. Dit boekje is geschreven in het Engels.

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Titel Tamiya Photographic Album of British Curchill Tank
Artikelnummer Div 2802
Uitgever Tamiya Editing Department
Auteur Horoyuki Saskurai & Yoshiyuki Takani
Jaartal Niet vermeld
Band Paperback
Druk Eerste druk
Bladzijden 26
Staat Mooie tweedehandse staat !
Toelichting op staat N/B

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