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The Battle of Britain then and now

The Battle of Britain then and now

The Battle of Britain then and now

The Battle of Britain then and now. First published to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, After the Battle ploughed an entirely fresh furrow across this legendary field of human conflict to produce a book which has now come to be regarded as a memorial in itself to 'The Few'. Within all these pages, over one thousand seven hundred pictures and over half a million words of text have been contributed by specialists, enthusiasts and historians.

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Titel The Battle of Britain then and now
Artikelnummer Div 1534
Uitgever After the Battle Publication
Auteur Winston G. Ramsey
Jaartal 1989
Band Gebonden
Druk Eerste druk
Bladzijden 816
Staat Goed
Toelichting op staat N/B
ISBN-13 0 900913 46 0

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