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The encyclopedia of Infantry Weapons of world war II

The encyclopedia of Infantry Weapons of world war II

The encyclopedia of Infantry Weapons of world war II

The encyclopedia of Infantry Weapons of world war II. This is a fully comprehensive and illustrated reference work including every major type of weapon used by every army in the world during the Second World War. Every infantry weapon used during World War II, including rifles, machine guns, anti-tank weapons, mortars and grenades are cited on a country by country bsais. The origin and development of each weapon as well as its merits and demerits are explained by Master Gunner Ian V. Hogg and virtually every weapon quoted in the text is illustrated by photographs and/or line drawings. Photographs in color and black and white are used to show these weapons in action.

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Titel The encyclopedia of Infantry Weapons of world war II
Artikelnummer Div 1512
Uitgever Arms & Armour Press, London/ Bison Book
Auteur Ian V. Hogg
Jaartal 1977/1979
Band Gebonden
Druk Vierde druk/ Fourth impression
Bladzijden 192
Staat Goed
Toelichting op staat N/B
ISBN-13 0 85368 281 X

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