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U.S. Airborne Forces Europe 1942-45

U.S. Airborne Forces Europe 1942-45

U.S. Airborne Forces Europe 1942-45

U.S. Airborne Forces Europe 1942-45. Brought into being in 1942, American airborne troops played an important part in the war in Europe. In the vanguard of the forces that invaded Normandy, they were instrumental in turning the tide of events in the Battle of the Bulge and were also an integral part of the airborne armada that crossed the Rhine. Key Uniform Guides are detailed and pictorial reference works on uniforms. Dit boekje is geschreven in het Engels.

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Titel U.S. Airborne Forces Europe 1942-45
Artikelnummer Div 3876
Uitgever Arms and Armour Press
Auteur Brian L. Davis
Jaartal 1974
Band Paperback
Druk Eerste druk
Bladzijden 32
Staat Mooie staat
Toelichting op staat N/B
ISBN-13 85368 106 6

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