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U.S. Army Uniforms of World War II

U.S. Army Uniforms of World War II

U.S. Army Uniforms of World War II

U.S. Army Uniforms of World War II. This book shows for the first time in detail, with hundreds of photographs, how the American soldier in World War II was equipped and clad.; taking as its starting point what was standard at the beginning of the war, it traces the improvements that were continually being made to keep up with the fast pace of the conflict and its rapidly changing needs.

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Titel U.S. Army Uniforms of World War II
Artikelnummer Div 1368
Uitgever Greenhill Books
Auteur Shelby Stanton
Jaartal 1991
Band Gebonden
Druk Eerste druk
Bladzijden 279
Staat Goed
Toelichting op staat N/B
ISBN-13 1 85367 110 X

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