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Vibrant Acrylics

Vibrant Acrylics

Vibrant Acrylics

Vibrant Acrylics. Be prepared for an exciting, vibrant and different approach to using acrylics. With an infectious energy and enthusiasm, Hashim Akib shows how acrylics can be used in unusual, surprising ways to create beautiful paintings full of life, atmosphere and colour. Step-by-step demonstrations, exercises and expert advice illustrate his simple, yet effective techniques and there are many inspiring examples of what can be achieved. This extensive book details step-by-step projects that include urban landscapes, pet portraits and abstracts. Neither beginners nor more experienced artists will want to be without this book.

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Titel Vibrant Acrylics
Artikelnummer xx1057
Auteur Hashim Akib
Uitgever Search Press, Kent
Jaartal 2012
Band Paperback
Bladzijden 128
Druk Eerste druk/First edition
Staat Goed
ISBN-13 9 781844 486977
Toelichting op staat Nee

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