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Watercolour plus . . .

Watercolour plus . . .

Watercolour plus . . .

Watercolour plus . . . Watercolour is the medium most widely used by amateur artists. The transparency and luminosity of the paint, its quick drying time and the fact that it is easily portable - these are just a few of the factors that contribute to its popularity. Once they've mastered basic watercolour techniques, however, many watercolourists begin to look for new creative challenges Watercolour Plus...shows how you can combine watercolour with other mediums without abandoning the very qualities that attracted you to watercolour in the first place. Each chapter is written by a different artist and looks at either one aspect of watercolour painting or at watercolour used in conjunction with one other medium. Each chapter begins with a short step-by-step introduction to the techniques required, complete with practical exercises and project ideas for readers to try on their own. Dit boek is geschreven in het Engels. 

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Titel Watercolour plus . . .
Artikelnummer xx1757
Auteur Ray Balkwill
Uitgever The Contributors
Jaartal 2012
Band Gebonden
Bladzijden 128
Druk First
Staat Goed
ISBN-13 9 780715 312537
Toelichting op staat N/B

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